Friday, June 30, 2006

Month From Hell

Hi all, sorry for the long wait between posts. I've been having a pretty crappy month. A week after my hamster died my grandmother died (she died on a thursday too just like my hamster). It was really hard to see her go. And my job search has gone nowhere. I've found maybe one or two jobs in the paper I can actually apply for. The job market is horrible here. But I've been promised a job in St Joseph MO. So I'll be moving there the 8th. Which means my bank account, medication, and everything else will have to be changed. *dies from stress*
Sorry for the long rant. I'll post some anime reviews later to make up for it.


At 7:52 AM, Blogger Marx said...

Emerald, I hope you keep in touch. I'd hate to not see or talk to you again. Promised a job in St. Joseph? Doing what?

[p.s. you've really got to walk me through template creation, this site is still awesome.]

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Emerald said...

I'll be working at Woodland Hills taking care of the mentally disabled.


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